Getting started with Javascript and tramontana:

To get started with tramontana for Javascript you need to first import jquery:

<script src=""></script>

And then import the tramontana library:

<script src="../lib/tramontana_min.js"></script>

Now you can create a new tramontana object that links to your device (or node).

<script>   var device = new tramontana();  </script>

Open the tramontana app on your phone and check the ip address of your device:


Now you are ready to send your first command to your device:


This is the html page for the full example:

    <!-- import css-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./stylesheet.css">
    <!-- import jquery-->
     <script src=""></script>
    <!-- import tramontana-->
     <script src="../lib/tramontana_min.js"></script>
    <!-- create a global variable-->
      var device = new tramontana();
     <!--Link to tramontana the app!-->
     <h4>To get started download the Tramontana App on your iOS device from <a href="">here</a> or on your Android device from <a href="">here</a>.</h4>
      1. Insert the IP Address of your device and press start.
      2. Press change color to change the color of the screen of your device.
     <!-- OPEN SOCKET -->
     <input type="text" id="ipInput" placeholder=""><br/>
     <button onclick="device.start($('#ipInput').val())">start</button>
     <!-- CHANGE device COLOR -->
     <button onclick="console.log('change color');device.setColor(Math.random(0,255),Math.random(0,255),Math.random(0,255),255
     );">change color</button>

You can check more examples here:

A. Hello World!
B. sensing, subscribe to orientation event.
C. sensing, all inputs from device.
D. tramontana and p5js (processingjs)
E. tramontana and p5js alternate example
F. tramotnana hardware